With individualized wellness counseling services, I can take you through every step of the way, and make things intuitive and simple, so that you can sustain your healthiest lifestyle ever, long term.
Nutrition is the foundation to holistic wellness, but everything is interconnected, so we will also consider gut health, hormones, energy levels, relationship with food, mental health, sleep, fitness, and supplementation.
During sessions you'll receive customized coaching, education to empower you, personalized meal plans, unlimited support between sessions, and much more.
You'll be equipped with all the resources you need to ensure there's no more going on and off "diets," no more playing a guessing game with your nutrition, and no more confusion about what you should do to achieve your goals.
You will walk away feeling like living a holistically healthy lifestyle is the easiest (best) thing you've ever done.
We offer 100% virtual coaching. To book a personalized health counseling session, message us in the contact form or email us at
monthly coaching:
Detailed intake & plan of action
A personalized meal plan
Additional supplemental recipes
2 bi-weekly in person or virtual coaching sessions per month
Weekly virtual accountability check in
Support via text/email
Access to additional resources
Supplement recommendations and/or diagnostic testing
Holistic coaching to address relationship with food, nutrition, hormones, digestion, energy levels, sleep, and more
*contact for a consult & pricing
pantry & fridge organization
educational grocery store trip
cooking/meal prep tutorial
pantry & fridge overhaul: clean out, organize, replace
*must have a shared goal
couples wellness coaching
family or friend group coaching
hormone balance program info here
check back for more programs soon
educational nutrition talk
cooking class/demo
*contact for a consult & pricing
Message us in the contact form or
email us at for more info or to schedule a session.
Be sure to ask about our referral program!
Looking for something a little less involved and more affordable?
See our Guides and get started on your own today!